
Powder Coating Machine: For Automatic Powder Coating Process

Auto Spray Machine

The SH 18 A powder coating machine gives all the advantages of SH 18, with a higher output voltage of 100 kV resulting in higher transfer efficiency. The number of machine are mounted either horizontally or vertically as per article geometry. 

Powder Coating Gun

Powder Coating Machine for High Volume Powder Coating Process

Automated powder coating uses specialized equipment to apply powder coatings to a variety of surfaces in a highly efficient and automated manner. Ideal for volumetric production, Automated powder coating helps industries enhance their production.

Statfield has always been the front-runner to help businesses to enhance production, minimize losses and improve quality.

Reciprocators are automation aids that help in automating powder coating processes and improving productivity. The reciprocator reciprocates vertically, along with the auto powder coating machine, to cover the entire height of the article.

Automatic Powder Coating Gun

Types of Reciprocators

  1. Electromechanical Reciprocator
    Highly preferred for automatic painting / powder coating applicators, statfield endures a smooth, consistent flow of powder/ paint for uniform article coating with a settable stroke length from multiple powder coating machine.
  2. Pneumatic Reciprocator
    With many features similar to an Electromechanical Reciprocator, the pneumatic reciprocator is driven by the pneumatic cylinder.


  • Eliminates labour up to 95%
  • Human error is reduced to a great extent.
  • Audio-visual alarms for errors/faults.
  • Consistent coating quality-no room for human fatigue or error.


  • Variable speed across the height
  • PLC for speed and stroke selection
  • Sturdy compact construction
  • Smooth jerk free movement
  • Plant can be operated in 3 shifts with consistent efficiency

Powder Coating Machine Technical Specifications :

Model NameAlfa X – Auto
MonitorPP – 18 Auto
MachineSH – 18 A
Control BlockCB – 18
Pneumatic ModelsYes
TrolleyMounting Rail
Direct SuctionN/A
Nozzle TypeRound Adjustable (R/A) and Flat

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In today’s fast-paced industrial landscape, efficient material handling is crucial for optimizing productivity and ensuring smooth operations. Statfield, leading manufacturer of Overhead

Powder coatings have increasingly replaced solvent-based coatings due to their durability, environmental benefits, and cost-effectiveness. They are widely used in automotive, appliances,

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